A noise comes. A shadow rears up in the dark. I scream.
“What the hell?”
Panic claws my chest and I scream again, reaching blindly for something to fight him off. Squatters and junkies and all kinds of dangerous men fill my mind as my hand closes around something solid on the hall table and I swing with everything I’ve got.
“Goddamn!” The figure reels back, stumbling against the wall.
“Get away from me!” I cry, shaking. My heart is racing so fast I think it might beat right out of my chest. I grip the object in my hand tighter. “Don’t touch me!”
“I’m not trying to touch you!” The man roars, angry. “I just want to know what you’re doing breaking into my goddamn house!”
The light flips on. I reel back, blinded by the sudden glare, but as the daze clears and my eyes flick back into focus, I see the man in front of me for the first time.
I stop breathing. He’s half-naked, that’s the first thing I notice. Jesus, his body is like nothing I’ve ever seen before: tanned bronze and chiselled like a Greek god, but not like the guys I’ve dated, all waxed and pumped from hours at a fancy gym. This guy is real, raw, all muscle and power, with web of dark tattoos snaking over the bicep of his right arm. I feel a flush roll through me, hot with prickling awareness, but I can’t look away as I take in his tight, sculpted six-pack abs, and the trail of dark hair leading down to the waistband of his navy briefs...
“Don’t mind me, darlin’.” his voice comes. “Any time you’re done looking...”
I snap my eyes up to his face, blushing. Then I look at him for real and it all clicks into place.
“Oh,” My heart clenches in my chest as I recognize him for the first time. “It’s you.”
Unshaven face. Messy mahogany bed-head hair. And a pair of stormy ocean-blue eyes scowling at me like I’m the last person on earth he wants to see.
And I can say, the feeling is entirely mutual.
“It’s me.” Garrett Sawyer agrees in a low, Southern drawl. He strides over and snatches the vase from my hand, setting it down on the table with a thud. “Now, you want to tell me what the hell you’re doing creeping around my house at three in the goddamn morning?”
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