Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Release Day - The True Story of Atticus and Hazel by Fisher Amelie

It only took a second.

Overwhelming chemistry isn't something anyone ever prepares you for. It's not like your mama sits you down and warns you one day you might stumble upon someone impossible to resist, someone who sets your soul on fire. Combustible, explosive attraction is just the tip of the iceberg for Atticus Kelly and Hazel Stone. One touch between them can set them on fire, one word from their lips can send them careening, one look can cripple them to their knees. They are an inferno and they're approaching the end of their wick.

Burning too fast, way too fast.

Except there's nothing to temper the fever.

And the ramifications may be more than they can afford.

Everyone knows when it goes up in flames, there's no saving the kindling.

The decision only took a second. Just a second.

"Hazel, what happened?"

Barnes & Noble:
Come read the first chapter! 
First half, at Vilma's:
Second, half at Natasha's:

#newrelease #fisheramelie #atticusandhazel #standalone

Book Trailer link:


I looked over at my equally beautiful friend. She was holding Simon’s hand, and I felt so happy for her. I looked down at Atticus’s hands as they swung at his sides. I found myself wanting one of his to take one of mine. My eyes followed up his arms, his shoulders, the side of his neck, over his tattoo of Juniper’s name, and settled on his face. I wonder, I thought, if we could ever be as we were, if it we could ever be simple, if he could ever love me. I wondered many more things as we followed the sinking path toward the open iron gates below, toward the stalactites and the stalagmites, reaching toward each other, desperate to connect, just like Atticus and me. They had much time to wait, though. I could only hope that wasn’t the case for Atticus and me. I didn’t know if I wanted to wait anymore. I was tired. Tired of suffering without him, tired of the weight of how I felt for him, tired of dragging it around with me, heavy, and begging to be lifted. 
The sun had disappeared as we nestled deeper and deeper into the recesses of God’s earth and we found each other in the dull light of the scattered lanterns in a part of the caverns where the ceilings were barely eight feet high. Etta and Simon had gone ahead about a hundred yards where the cavern lifted a hundred feet into the air, studying the nature surrounding them more quickly than Atticus and I could absorb it. 
We came upon a stalactite and a stalagmite separated by mere inches. They too looked tired to me. We circled them twice, each of us on opposite sides. Atticus bent his head to peer at me through the gap. I leaned forward and smiled at him but the smile quickly fell. 
“So close yet so far,” I told him quietly, my whisper betraying me and echoing against the cavern walls. It bounced off our ears over and over. 
“At least another thousand years,” his answer repeated. 
“Such a long time to wait,” I said.
“They’ll get there,” he said.
“Will they, though?” I asked him. 
Atticus’s eyes softened and he stood upright. He followed the base of the stalagmite around until he was standing about a yard away from me. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his T-shirt straining against his shoulders and biceps. 
“You know something, Hazel?” he asked me. 
“What’s that, Atticus?” 
“When they meet, those two points, when they finally come together after the wars, the battles, the wrong that has surrounded them in the ripples of their existence, after the longing, the misery, the torture of seeing each other as their future complete, that moment, that second, that instant will be their most vindicating time. It will be quiet; it will be unassuming. No one who sees it will be aware of their perfect collision, but it will be an explosion amongst themselves, for only them to know, for only them to feel. It will be proof they can weather anything, absolutely anything that comes their way. Even if it meant the end of the earth, Hazel Stone, it would not mean the end of the world. They are perpetual. They are forever.” 
My heart pounded. He took a step closer to me. Another. Another. Until the chasm between us matched theirs
“I have missed you more than you could possibly comprehend, Atticus.”
His eyes filled with something, an emotion. “I think I could,” he revealed. 
Tears spilled over my cheeks. “But I don’t deserve you.”
He shook his head back and forth slowly; the backs of his fingers found my cheeks and dragged across. I turned my head into his skin, desperate to feel him for as long as possible. “No, I don’t deserve you.”
I shook my head in disagreement, tears coming stronger. “But I pushed you away.”
“You were trying to protect yourself, protect Juniper. I don’t blame you for any of it, Haze. It was what it was and it made us who we are.”
I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. “Can you forgive me, still?”
“Only if you forgive me?” 
“Of course. Of course I do. You know I do.”
He placed my face in the palms of his hands. “All is forgiven. All of it. All, Hazel.” He took a deep breath.
“Do you still hate my face?” I asked him. 
His head lolled softly side to side. His thumbs started at my forehead and dragged down the sides of my face. “No, Hazel, I no longer see my pain there. I only see my future happiness, our future hope.”
I let out a groan of emotion, unable to hear that without a physical reaction. “I feel guilty admitting this—”
“Don’t. Juniper wouldn’t want that for us, Haze.”
I nodded. “I don’t feel the despair anymore. I feel calm now. I feel the memory without the searing pain. I think— no, I know it’s because of you.”
Atticus brought me into him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, and I wrapped mine around his neck. 
“You’re my best friend, Hazel,” he whispered to me. 
“You’re mine, Atticus, my favorite friend, my forever friend."

Atticus's Mix Tape for Hazel

Dream Cast: 
Colton Haynes as Atticus Kelly
Maia Mitchell as Hazel Stone

Amandla Stenberg as Etta Bello
Michael B Jordan as Simon
Wentworth Miller as Cillian Kelly
Jesse Rutherford as Aidan Kelly
Ansel Egort as Malachi Kelly
Jeremy Irvine as Brendan Kelly
Douglas Booth as Liam Kelly
James Franco as Tim

Happy Release Day - SAY YOU WANT ME by Corinne Michaels


There’s no way I’ll fall for Wyatt Hennington.

He can keep his Southern drawl, irresistible smile, and those pick-up lines all to himself. I made the mistake of sleeping with him not once, but twice. I’m not stupid enough to give him round three, especially after he left me in the middle of the night so I could see myself out. I vow to return to Philadelphia and forget him.

It proves easier said than done.

When the doctor informs me I’m the winner of door prize number two, I put my life on hold and head back to Bell Buckle. Three months and if we can’t make this work, I’m gone.

The problem is—when the cards are stacked against us, and I can’t bring myself to leave him, I’ll finally know if he truly loves me or if all my fears were real . . .



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Corinne Close MediumCorinne Michaels is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of The Salvation Series and Say You'll Stay. She's an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness. 

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn't ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha heroes are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cover Reveal - HOLD MY BREATH by Ginger Scott

I'm so very excited to share the amazing cover of 

Hold My Breath

A new adult sports romance by Ginger Scott
Release date - November 18, 2016

Fractions of seconds can do lots of damage. One decision can ruin lives. A
blink can be tragic. And loving a Hollister…can hurt like hell.

I would know.

They say the average person can hold their breath under water for two full
minutes when pushed to the extremes. Will Hollister has been holding his
for years. The oldest of two elite swimming brothers, Will was always a
dominant force in the water. But in life, he preferred to let his younger
brother Evan be the one to shine.

Evan got the girl, and Will…he got to bury all of the secrets. A brother’s
burden, the weight of it all nearly left him to drown.

The daughter of two Olympians, my path was set the day my fingertips first
touched water. My future was as crystal clear as the lane I dominated in
the pool—swim hard, win big, love a Hollister.

My life with Evan burned bright. He gave me arms to come home to, and a
smile that fooled the world into believing everything was perfect. But it
was Will who pushed me. Will…who really knew me.

And when all of the pieces fell, it was Will who started to pick them up.

In the end, the only thing that matters are those few precious seconds—and
what we decide to do while we still have them in our grasp


Ginger Scott is an Amazon-bestselling and Goodreads Choice Award-nominated author of several young and new adult romances, including Waiting on the Sidelines, Going Long, Blindness, How We Deal With Gravity, This Is Falling, You and Everything After, The Girl I Was Before, Wild Reckless, Wicked Restless and In Your Dreams.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger’s other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. (She’s also a sucker for a hot quarterback, catcher, pitcher, point guard…the list goes on.) Ginger has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at

When she's not writing, the odds are high that she's somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork 'em, Devils).

Social Media Links:
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @TheGingerScott

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Cover Reveal - Managed by Kristen Callihan

We are very excited to bring you the next stand-alone book in the VIP Series from Kristen Callihan! 

MANAGED will release on NOVEMBER 14. 

And this one is guaranteed to be legendary!


It started off as a battle of wits. Me: the ordinary girl with a big mouth against Him: the sexy bastard with a big...ego. 

I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I was upgraded to first class on my flight to London. 

That is until HE sat down next to me. Gabriel Scott: handsome as sin, cold as ice. Nothing and no one gets to him. Ever. He’s a legend in his own right, the manager of the biggest rock band in the world, and an arrogant ass who looks down his nose at me. 

I thought I’d give him hell for one, long flight. I didn’t expect to like him. I didn’t expect to want him. But the biggest surprise? He wants me too. Only in a way I didn’t see coming. 

If I accept his proposal, I leave myself open to falling for the one man I can’t manage. But I’m tempted to say yes. Because the real man beneath those perfect suits and that cool façade just might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I just might be the only one who can melt the ice around his heart.   

Let the battle begin…  


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Kristen Callihan is an author because there is nothing else she’d rather be. She is a three-time RITA nominee and winner of two RT Reviewer’s Choice awards. Her novels have garnered starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and the Library Journal, as well as being awarded top picks by many reviewers. Her debut book FIRELIGHT received RT Magazine’s Seal of Excellence, was named a best book of the year by Library Journal , best book of Spring 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly, and was named the best romance book of 2012 by ALA RUSA. When she is not writing, she is reading.


Careless Whisper Revival Tour - EXCERPT - Denial by Lisa Renee Jones


Today we have the blog tour for The Careless Whisper Series by Lisa Renee Jones. Check out this fantastic series, and grab your copy before the final book, Surrender, releases this December!


About The Careless Whisper Series
From New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones, the CARELESS WHISPERS series. This is a spin-off of the INSIDE OUT series (in development for TV) that follows Ella Ferguson, Sara McMillan's best friend. 

Ella Ferguson awakes alone in Italy, unsure of who she is, and a gorgeous man has claimed her as his own. He's tall, dark, and sexy, with money and power, the kind of man who makes a girl want to be possessed. And he does possess her, whispering wicked wonderful promises to her, stealing her trust and her heart. Soon though, the past finds her, yanking her from a cocoon of passion and safety. Everything is not how it seems. The truth will shatter her world, but it can set her free, if it doesn't destroy her first.


Get your copy today:


I couldn’t sleep. I meant to go to the kitchen and then I ended up here because I wanted . . .” His reaction cuts like his anger. “Just never mind.” I try to move around him but his hands press to the wall beside me, caging me, and now I’m angry. “Are we doing this again? Don’t bully me. My stupid flashbacks are doing a fine job of that on their own. I said I’m sorry. Just let me go back to my room.”
“You wanted what?”
“I wanted you to do what you swore you could,” I blurt, having nothing to lose when everything is already gone.
“Only I don’t want you to fuck me until I can’t remember my name. I want you to fuck me until I stop thinking about that man and the gun. Because you were right. Memories are the enemies that never die. But I know you don’t want—”
His hand slides under my hair and he drags me to him, my hand flattening on the hard wall of his chest. “I do want. So fucking bad it’s killing me.”
My palm is directly over his heart, and I can feel it racing, the air around us crackling with barely contained passion. “I don’t need a hero to save my virtue tonight. I need you. So please. Fuck me and then fuck with my head so no one else can. Let me choose my own sins.”
He is stone, unmoving, his body steel, his expression unreadable, the sexual tension crackling between us. “You want sin, sweetheart,” he says. “I’ll give you sin.” His mouth closes down on mine, his tongue licking into my mouth, wicked with demand, and I can taste his hunger, his need. A deep, aching need I want to fill.



Behind Closed Doors: 

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About Lisa Renee Jones: 
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series, which is now in development for a television show to be produced by Suzanne Todd of Team Todd (Alice in Wonderland). Suzanne Todd on the INSIDE OUT series: Lisa has created a beautiful, complicated, and sensual world that is filled with intrigue and suspense. Sara’s character is strong, flawed, complex, and sexy - a modern girl we all can identify with. I’m thrilled to develop a television show that will tell Sara’s whole story - her life, her work, her friends, and her sexuality. 

In addition to the success of Lisa's INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is presently working on a dark, edgy new series, Dirty Money, for St. Martin's Press. Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women's Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine. 

Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at and she is active on Twitter and Facebook daily.

Connect with Lisa: 
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

HAPPY HOLIDAYS with Jill October - A Holiday Giveaway

We are so excited to get to help share about this fantastic giveaway from Jill Shalvis! Don't miss this opportunity to enter to win a signed copy of her Heartbreaker Bay titles, SWEET LITTLE LIES and THE TROUBLE WITH MISTLETOE, along with a Jill Shalvis tote, mug, holiday ornament and pen! 

If you haven't gotten your copy of Jill's standalone novel, THE TROUBLE WITH MISTLETOE, grab your copy today at! It's a captivating story of love, second chances, and new beginnings!

And that's not all! Jill's upcoming standalone novella in her Heartbreaker Bay Series, ONE SNOWY NIGHT, is releasing on November 8th and is just $.99! Get your copy of ONE SNOWY NIGHT at!

They're the perfect stories to get you in the holiday mood! So what are you waiting for? Deck Your Shelves! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy Release Day - THE OTHER ONE by Jiffy Kate


Today we have the release day of The Other One by Jiffy Kate! Check out the excerpt and enter the giveaway and grab your copy today!


About The Other One: 

They are two strangers, struggling from day to day—one trying to overcome the past, while the other hides behind it.   

Just when Tripp Alexander thinks he has everything figured out and nothing can stop him, a swift dose of reality plants his feet firmly on the ground. Maybe a little too close to six feet under.   

Loren Jenson knows heartache. Circumstances from her past have tarnished her outlook on life, making her feel like her future has been pulled out from under her. That is, until a boy with deep green eyes and a shy smile falls into her life, bringing with him a connection she can't deny.   

Will they be able to trust enough to share their secrets and accept one another, despite what they've been through? Or will the truth about their pasts derail the chance fate has handed them?   

How do you allow yourself to live out the life set before you when you are the other one?   

Grab your copy today!: Amazon       

Exclusive Excerpt: From the belly of the kitchen, the chime on the front door can be heard, signaling a customer’s arrival. It’s then I realize I’m still standing in the spot Wyatt left me. Everyone else is busy with their jobs, zipping around, oblivious to my presence. So, I turn my gaze to my feet and walk back through the swinging doors.   

As I pass through to the dining area, movement catches my attention. Wanting a glimpse at what my job will be like, I pause; thinking a waiter or waitress will be coming any second. Turning my head just a little, I watch as a young woman slides into a booth, all the way to the inside as if she’s making room for someone to sit next to her. Her eyes are focused on the window, never looking down or at a menu, and I can’t help but stand there and stare at her.   

A throat clears, making me jump, and I don’t know if I should feel relieved or embarrassed to see Wyatt standing behind me.  

“She’s a regular,” he tells me, looking over at the same girl. “She comes in every Thursday and sits in that same booth, but she doesn’t order or say much. We just leave her be.” 

“Okay,” I say as Wyatt leaves me standing. For some reason, my eyes are still on the girl. It seems like a strange thing for someone to do—come and sit at a café, but never order anything—but I’m sure she has her reasons, and to be honest, I’m happy to know I’ll have at least one easy customer.   

I can do this.   

As I head for the front door, I give my future non-customer one last glance. I expect her to continue staring out the window, so when she turns around and our eyes meet, it catches me off guard. My body freezes—not just because she makes eye contact or for the fact that she’s beautiful, but also because I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes quite as sad as hers. They’re dark and deep and full of unshed emotion. Something about them—her—makes my heart clench. I haven’t had a reaction like this to a girl in a long time. The feeling practically levels me.   

Quickly, I turn away, averting my gaze back to the floor and forcing my feet forward. The second my hand is on the doorknob, my pulse begins to race, and beads of sweat break out on my forehead, sure signs of a panic attack looming over me like a ticking time bomb.   

About Jiffy Kate:  

Jiffy Kate is the joint pen name for Jiff Simpson and Jenny Kate Altman.   

10390492_478494758951865_3595904743531569218_nJiff was born and raised in Louisiana. She’s now living in Texas with her two teenagers and two bulldogs, Georgia Rose and Jake. She loves purple, 80’s movies, and geeking out at Comic Cons.   

Jenny Kate was born and raised in Oklahoma. She’s the mom of a twelve-year-old and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Wrigley and Oliver. She loves Kris Bryant, the Chicago Cubs, and coffee. 

Some people think they’ve been friends forever, but in reality, they’ve only known each other for five years. Four of those years, they’ve spent spinning tales and writing words. Their first published book, Finding Focus, was released in November 2015, and the second book of the series, Chasing Castles, was released in August 2016.   

If you like a romance set in the south, then you’ll love their southern fried fiction with heart and soul. 


Enter Jiffy Kate’s Giveaway:

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Happy Release Day - THE PLAYER by Claire Contreras


I'm naturally gifted on the field and between the sheets. With flashy cars and enough media attention to put the Royal Family to shame, I’m the definition of Most Eligible Bachelor.
Every man wants to be me and every woman wants to tame me. Until Camila.
The moment I lay eyes on her, I know I have to have her.
She wants to keep me at arm's length.
I want her naked in my bed.
She thinks our worlds are too different.
All I want her to think about is screaming my name.
She says I’m bad news.
I have three weeks to prove her wrong.

About Claire Contreras:
Twitter: @claricon

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

You Got Me - Lori's Review of BEDMATES Nichole Chase - Release Day + Excerpt


We are thrilled to get to bring to you the Release Day Launch for New York Times Bestselling Author Nichole Chase’s BEDMATES, the first standalone novel in her new American Royalty Series! Be sure to grab your copy of BEDMATES today!

Title: Bedmates
Author: Nichole Chase
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publication Date: 10/4/2016
Source: ARC from publisher


From the New York Times bestselling author of Suddenly Royal comes the first in a sparkling new series about America’s favorite royal—the First Daughter.


Everyone makes mistakes, especially in college. But when you’re the daughter of the President of the United States, any little slip up is a huge embarrassment. Maddie McGuire’s latest error in judgment lands her in police custody, giving the press a field day. Agreeing to do community service as penance and to restore her tattered reputation, Maddie never dreams incredibly good looking but extremely annoying vice president’s son, Jake Simmon, will be along for the ride.

Recently returning from Afghanistan with a life-altering injury, Jake is wrestling with his own demons. He doesn’t have the time or patience to deal with the likes of Maddie. They’re like oil and water and every time they’re together, it’s combustible. But there’s a thin line between love and hate, and it’s not long before their fiery arguments give way to infinitely sexier encounters.

When Jake receives devastating news about the last remaining member of his unit, the darkness he’s resisted for so long begins to overwhelm him. Scared to let anyone close, he pushes Maddie away. But she isn’t about to give up on Jake that easily. Maddie’s fallen for him, and she’ll do anything to keep him from the edge as they both discover that love is a battlefield and there are some fights you just can’t lose.

Grab BEDMATES in ebook or paperback, releasing today!

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The hand on the back of my neck tilted my head so he could kiss me better and I melted against him. I’d waited for this moment most of my life and I sure as hell wasn’t disappointed.

The kiss wasn’t rushed, wasn’t abrupt. It was slow, lingering brushes of lips, as our breaths slid over each other. It was an intense, raw moment as we tested unknown waters and what we found only increased our determination. When his tongue swiped across my bottom lip in a request for entrance I opened on a sigh. His free hand caressed my hip before sliding around to the small of my back, tucking me against him.

The feel of his hard body pressed against me made my head spin. Every delectable inch of hi was hard in just the right way. As his mouth danced over mine, fire ran through my veins. Everywhere that he touched me came alive and I wrapped my arms around his neck, hungry to feel more of him pressed to me. This was what I’d been looking for all these years. I felt alive and appreciated with each stroke of his tongue and touch of his hands.

His arm tightened around my waist and my feet left the ground. I gasped as he sat me on the unfinished kitchen island. Dark brown eyes drilled into mine as his hands slid down to cup my ass before gently spreading my legs so that he could fit between them. He pressed against my center and I couldn’t help but groan as he pulled me tight. Wrapping my legs around his hips I pushed even closer, trying to relieve the building ache.

He groaned into my mouth and I took the moment to nip his bottom lip. I’d wanted to do that forever; to feel it plump between my teeth. One of his hands squeezed my ass tighter and he grinded his erection into me, causing my head to fall backward on a gasp of pleasure. Each move against me made me gasp louder, and my eyes fell shut. With one hand he pulled my hair free from the rubber band before tangling his fingers in it.

“God, you taste good.” His voice was raw, harsh, and it sent shivers down my spine. He ran his nose along the column of my throat before nipping gently below my ear. “Should have done this forever ago.”


nichole-chase-headshot  About Nichole Chase: Nichole Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Suddenly Royal, The Accidental Assassin, Flukes, The Dark Betrayal Trilogy, The American Royalty Series and several short stories. Nichole lives in Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, two rescue dogs, Sulcata tortoise, and two cats. When not writing, you may find her reading, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.        

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


This book happened to me at just the right moment. I was searching for something to read and kept starting and stopping books, but couldn't find anything I wanted to put my time into. Out of the blue, I was offered an ARC of Bedmates. I was a little unsure about the title, but I trusted to recommendation and I jumped right in.

Maddie McGuire, America's First Daughter, has found herself in a bit of legal trouble. In order to help salvage her father's public image, Maddie has to work with Vice President Simmon's son, Jake. Having grown up together, Maddie and Jake's dislike for each other goes way back.

Maddie and Jake are forced to work closely together on a project helping an injured veteran and his family. They both see sides of the other that have previously been hidden. They begin to respect each other and despite familial opposition, they grow closer.

This book had plenty of steam and romance, but also explored some unexpected depths. It is a fast-paced story and kept me panting for more. The characters are strong and definitely make an impression. I am so glad that I was offered a chance to read this and look forward to seeing more and more people be pleasantly surprised by the story as I was.

5 out of 5 Stars

This seemed like the perfect dedication from Maddie to Jake.
Gavin DeGraw - You Got Me
