Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Peek at the Week 8/27/2019

**All purchase links are provided as a courtesy to the blog followers.  I receive a small compensation for purchases made through these links.  These links may not lead to the best price and you can always shop around for a better one.**

I absolutely adore this series and was ecstatic to receive an ARC of book number 4. Sherry Thomas's Lady Sherlock series is everything I want in a book; intrigue, quirky characters, and above all, ROMANCE. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this series, jump into it now. The Art of Theft is coming in October from Berkley Books.


Whenever I feel the need for sports themed romance with a bossy alpha male and a spunky independent female, I always go back to Susan Elizabeth Phillips and her Chicago Stars series. Match Me if You Can is #6 in the series and a lot of fun so far.

I've had two 5-star reads recently, both with excellent character development and breathtakingly splendid stories. Get ready to have your heart broken, rearranged, and beautifully mended.

My copy of RAGE by Cora Carmack is in the Enchanted Fandom book box and is currently on it's way to me. Lucky for me, I was able to snag an ARC of Rage at Book Bonanza a few weeks ago.

What are you reading this week?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Most Anticipated September Releases

This is not a list of all books releasing this month, but rather a list my most anticipated releases.

**All purchase links are provided as a courtesy to the blog followers.  I receive a small compensation for purchases made through these links.  These links may not lead to the best price and you can always shop around for a better one.**

***Also, you will not be charged for pre-orders until release.***

What books are on your September one-click list?