Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Peek at the Week 2/4/2019

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I have been making my way through some of my early favorites from 20 or so years ago. Judith McNaught began my love of romance, specifically historical romance. Currently I’m reading Something Wonderful, book 2 in her Sequels series. I am reading the ebook version of this.

I'm reading the hardcover version of A Curse So Dark and Lonely 
by Brigid Kemmerer. A Beauty and the Beast re-telling with a Groundhog Day -type element? Count me in.

I just have to say... I adore Steve West. I always end up loving anything I hear him read.

My last 5-star read was The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas. I love the mystery and the quirky characters. Also, I really enjoy the strong women that are featured throughout the series. I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Hoping to start this one next.

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