William Morrow is thrilled to publish Noelle August’s BOOMERANG (William Morrow Trade Paperback, On-sale: July 8, 2014, ISBN: 9780062331069; $13.99), the latest hot summer read! Readers can’t get enough of New Adult lit, and Noelle August is at the forefront of this phenomenon. With genre-bending characters, drama, and a fresh, fun premise, BOOMERANG showcases a hilariously charming, deliciously sexy style.
—a Boomerang novel—
By Noelle August
“August…delivers a solid new adult trilogy launch. Mia and Ethan alternate viewpoints in this engaging story of young up-and-comers balancing responsibilities and desires.” – Publishers Weekly
Boomerang is the dating site for millennials, but their offices might be even steamier than the hook-ups people find on their website…
Welcome to BOOMERANG, the hottest recent startup in the trendiest city: Los Angeles, CA. The website’s about no-strings, no-fuss relationships for those on the rebound and those who crave connection—without all the baggage of long-term promises.
But that buzz is fading as Boomerang struggles to grow. The solution? Find two brilliant interns and give them a crack at launching the site into the stratosphere.
Enter Mia Galliano and Ethan Vance. Mia is an aspiring filmmaker with killer curves and gorgeous, curly locks. Ethan is a hot, blue-eyed go-getter who has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re both sharp, hungry for success, and they share a major secret.
Ethan and Mia aren’t strangers. The night before they start their new jobs, Ethan and Mia meet at a bar and fall into bed together…or did they? Though they’re both hazy on the details, they definitely do know how awkward it is when they find themselves in a post hook-up taxi…to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.
Turns out they both got the gig, and now they’ll be competing for one job at Boomerang. Even better? The company’s strict policy about inner-office dating. Simply put: they can’t.
But their connection is as powerful as their ambition. Will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other? Find out this summer!
BOOMERANG will be available wherever books and e-books are sold July 8th, 2014 (ISBN: 9780062331069 | $13.99 | e-ISBN: 9780062331076 | $2.99).
Question: What do you get when friends pen a story with heart, plenty of laughs, and toe-curling kissing scenes? Answer: Noelle August, the pseudonym for renowned editor and award-winning writer Lorin Oberweger and New York Times bestselling YA author Veronica Rossi, the masterminds behind Boomerang. You can visit them at NoelleAugust.com, @Noelle_August, and facebook.com/NoelleAugustBooks.