Saturday, August 17, 2013

ROAD TRIP: Favorite YA Road Trip Books and Playlist

As summer draws to a close, I think back over vacations and road trips.  I remember the music, food, and friendships.  There is something magical about a full tank of gas and an open highway.  In honor of this magic, I have posted a few of my favorite road trip themed YA novels.

This book has its own playlist written all throughout.  You really should check it out.

On Amazon: Two-way Street

Find over 150 road trip themes YA books on Goodreads.


Author Liza Palmer created an Epic Road Trip Playlist with some of her friends and posted it on her blog this week.  I took those songs to 8tracks and made a playlist there.  Check out Liza's post HERE.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found this before my trip to Chicago!! :)
